
ProxySwitchyOmega是Chrome和Firefox浏览器上的代理扩展程序,可以轻松快捷的管理和切换多个代理设置,支持HTTP、HTTPS、SOCKS4、SOCKS5等多种代理协议。,TheprojectisavailableasaChromiumExtension.YoucantryitonChromeWebStore,orgrabapackagedextensionfile(CRX)forofflineinstallationonthe ...,UsingtheSwitchyOmegaextension,youcanswitchbetweenproxiesinlessthanoneclick.Forexample,youcansettheChromeproxytoGoogle...


Proxy SwitchyOmega是Chrome和Firefox浏览器上的代理扩展程序,可以轻松快捷的管理和切换多个代理设置,支持HTTP、HTTPS、SOCKS4、SOCKS5等多种代理协议。


The project is available as a Chromium Extension. You can try it on Chrome Web Store, or grab a packaged extension file (CRX) for offline installation on the ...

Proxy SwitchyOmega for Google Chrome

Using the SwitchyOmega extension, you can switch between proxies in less than one click. For example, you can set the Chrome proxy to Google's ...

Proxy SwitchyOmega

Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily. Changing proxy settings has never been so convenient. Think SwitchyOmega as a modern version of ...

Proxy SwitchyOmega

特別提醒:由於Chrome限制,同一時間只能有一個擴展控制代理設定,一般來說Chrome會優先後安裝的擴展。衝突中若SwitchyOmega獲得了優先權,則可以切換到“系統代理”模式, ...

ProxyOmega Proxy Manager for Google Chrome

2024年1月12日 — ProxyOmega Proxy Manager is a free Chrome extension that simplifies proxy management and provides seamless control with just a click. Whether ...


从Chrome 应用商店 安装,如果您无法从该链接安装,请使用下面的离线安装。 离线安装. 去Github 下载 最新版安装包,或者直接本地下载 (如果无法下载请右键另存为) 文件 ...